Online Clubs

All on-line clubs require the Zoom app and all times below are Vancouver local time.

For most online clubs, please be sure to preregister in advance.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Register once and you will get notified if/when the link changes.

Day of WeekTimeZoom LinkZoom Password OR Registration LinkContact
4th Monday6:00 pmPlease Preregister ⇨
1st Tuesday6:30 pmPlease Preregister ⇨Please email Contact ⇨
Every Friday6:00 pmPlease Preregister ⇨
Last Friday
[This class is in Farsi]
4th Saturday6:00 pmPlease Preregister ⇨Please email Contact ⇨

What is my local time?  Here is a time converter: